Poster Making Mechanics


  • The competition is open to current junior high school and senior high school students or 14 to 18-year old Filipinos residing in Bohol. 
  • Participants may join the contest individually, each one submitting one entry only.


  • Contestants may portray, illustrate, and interpret a general theme of climate justice or focus on the Boholano response to climate justice. 
  • Poster dimensions must be A4 (8.3 in x 11.7 in) size in portrait or landscape. 
  • Participants can use any creative tool and software (Adobe Photoshop, Paint, Canva, Microsoft Powerpoint, etc.). In addition, contestants have the option to scan or picture the poster done freehand using coloring materials (crayons, oil pastel, markers, paint, etc.). 
  • Affix the digiLyfe logo and allot space for additional logos of digiLyfe partners.
  • Posters will be evaluated using the following criteria:
      1. Relevance to the theme – 30%
      2. Originality – 20%
      3. Creativity – 20%
      4. Popularity (Facebook Likes/Shares) – 15%
      5. Description of the Poster – 5%
  • The entries will be published on the official digiLyfe website ( or Facebook Page for voting through reactions and shares. Voting will be held one week from August 15-21, 2022, for additional changes or instructions will be posted on the Facebook Page before voting. 
  • Voters must “like” the official digiLyfe Facebook Page before voting (like and share). The points will be credited as follows:
      1. Facebook Like/Reaction = 1 point 
      2. Facebook Share = 2 points 
  • The winners will be announced in the last week of August on the digiLyfe Facebook Page.


  • Participants must submit the following:
      1. Registration Form / Entry Form (.pdf or .jpeg format)
      2. Digital Poster (.jpeg, .pdf, or .png format)
  • Submit the entry to the website by filling up the form with the proper filename.
    • (FILENAME: Title of your work – Surname, Firstname, MI.jpg)
  • The deadline for submissions is on or before August 12, 2022. Any entry submitted beyond the deadline will not be accepted.
  • In any case of rescheduling, announcements will be posted only on the official Facebook Page of digiLyfe. 
  • Digital poster submissions grant moodLearning and digiLyfe to use the contestant’s name and entry for presentation, marketing, and promotion without additional compensation unless prohibited by law.  


  • Relevance to the Theme 30%
      • The design effectively communicates the theme. 
  • Originality 20%
      • The design is inventive and original. 
  • Creativity 20%
      • The design’s aesthetic appeal captivates the audience, considering different design principles. 
  • Popularity 15 %
      • A total number of likes and shares acquired on Facebook. 
  • Description of Poster 5%
      • A short description of the artwork in English, Tagalog, or  Boholano maximum of 200 words.


  • There will be three (3) winners who attained the highest average ratings in this contest and will receive the following:
      1. First: Cash Prize of 5,000 Php 
      2. Second: Cash Prize of 3,000 Php
      3. Third: Cash Prize of 2,000 Php
      4. (Special Award) People’s Choice Award: Cash Prize of 2,000 Php

The entries will be posted on the digiLyfe website ( and Facebook page. In addition, winners and participants will receive certificates of recognition, be notified by phone or email, and on digiLyfe’s official Facebook page and website.